Shares of Jaiprakash Power Ventures tumbled 15 per cent in early trade on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) after the company reported lower-than-expected fourth quarter earnings ended March 2014. The company said its net loss for the quarter ended March 2014 widened to Rs 171.98 crore as against net loss of Rs 122.26 crore in the same quarter last year. Reacting to news, shares of company declined as much as 14.95 per cent to trade at Rs 20.18 a piece on the BSE. In a similar fashion, shares of company slipped 7.40 per cent to Rs 21.90 a piece on National Stock Exchange. Meanwhile, the broader benchmark Sensex was quoting at 24,399.62, up 36.57 points or 0.15 per cent at 9:30 hours.
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Jaiprakash Power plunges 15% on weak Q4 : 20/05/2014
Shares of Jaiprakash Power Ventures tumbled 15 per cent in early trade on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) after the company reported lower-than-expected fourth quarter earnings ended March 2014. The company said its net loss for the quarter ended March 2014 widened to Rs 171.98 crore as against net loss of Rs 122.26 crore in the same quarter last year. Reacting to news, shares of company declined as much as 14.95 per cent to trade at Rs 20.18 a piece on the BSE. In a similar fashion, shares of company slipped 7.40 per cent to Rs 21.90 a piece on National Stock Exchange. Meanwhile, the broader benchmark Sensex was quoting at 24,399.62, up 36.57 points or 0.15 per cent at 9:30 hours.