FinMin seeks public comments on draft of Forward Contracts Rules, 2014 20/08/2014

FinMin seeks public comments on draft of Forward Contracts Rules, 2014
20/08/2014 11:31
The Ministry of Finance, which is in the process of strengthening the regulatory framework of the commodity derivative markets, have sought public comment on draft of Forward Contracts (Regulation) (Intermediaries) Rules, 2014. The new Forward Contracts Rules aims to provide greater empowerment to Forward Markets Commission (FMC) and also plans to bring more transparency in the system. The central government is in the process formulating appropriate rules to strengthen the regulatory framework by empowering the FMC to effectively regulate the intermediaries of the commodity derivative markets. As a transparency enhancing mechanism and therefore, to obtain public comments, a draft of the said Rules is hosted on the website of the Ministry of Finance at